Tecomate founders Dr. Gary Schwarz and David Morris literally pioneered the food plot-based wildlife management system that has swept the country in recent years. Tecomate proved high-quality, year-round food plots, especially high-protein warm-season plots, can be used to grow more and bigger bucks than ever thought possible! Indeed, Tecomate is the “company forced into business by the deer we grew!” For over two decades, Gary and David not only applied their management experience and knowledge to their own ranches but have also helped many others realize their deer hunting dreams on their own property. The “Tecomate Management System,” as it is now known, has contributed greatly to the growth of whitetail-driven land management and ownership, the dramatic increase in rural land values, and the emergence of a whitetail-centered Lifestyle, in no small part through Tecomate TV.
Seeing a growing demand for better whitetail management options, Tecomate TV was born in 2007 with the launch of The Bucks of Tecomate TV series, greatly expanding Tecomate’s reach to a whitetail market hungry for ways to improve the deer and deer hunting on their own properties. From the outset, The Bucks of Tecomate’s goal has been to show viewers across America what is possible by featuring hunts for some of the biggest bucks ever seen on TV and to tell the management story of what it took to grow them. Now in its 15th year and hosted by whitetail author/manager David Morris and biologist Mark Newell, The Bucks of Tecomate is one of the most successful TV series in the outdoor industry and enjoys great credibility with the most serious in the whitetail market, many of which are managers and landowners. Airing in Q3-4 on Outdoor Channel, the show reaches an audience of nearly 6.5 million!
As management took hold, the whitetail industry grew well beyond a season-only hunting activity into a multi-faceted, year-round “Whitetail Lifestyle.” In 2013, Tecomate, a leader in the whitetail lifestyle movement, launched Q1-2 Tecomate Whitetail Nation on Outdoor Channel, giving Tecomate TV a year-round whitetail presence on the network. Tecomate Whitetail Nation is a “Whitetail Lifestyle” series that not only features the big “Tecomate” bucks our viewers expect but, very importantly, showcases the management strategies/techniques, properties, people, tools, and success stories that are all part of the year-round Whitetail Lifestyle. Tecomate Whitetail Nation reaches over 6.25 million viewers during the first half of the year, after deer hunting season is over but when many other Whitetail Lifestyle activities are in full swing, like shed hunting, food plotting, bass fishing, and of course, turkey hunting, to name but a few. Hosts David Morris and Mark Newell take viewers across the “Whitetail Nation” to see firsthand a wide spectrum of hunters, managers, strategies, and hunting properties.
Today, Tecomate is focusing its unique experience and knowledge on land management, stewardship, and ownership under the name “Tecomate Properties,” a whitetail-centric land development, management, brokerage, marketing, branding, and service company. Our mission is to help hunters/managers, in the vernacular of today’s lingo, “live their best life” in God’s Great Outdoors. So, Tecomate TV, through The Bucks of Tecomate and Tecomate Whitetail Nation TV series, is all about empowering the “Whitetail Nation” to get the most from their land and time afield…and just maybe help some get a little closer to owning their own piece of ground and to realizing their hunting dreams!